How To’s
Find out more about how to use your Armilla Tech devices here.

Baseball How To’s
The introduction video give you a quick overview of your devices, from powering on and off, how to put them into pairing mode, and how to reset them. The basic functionalities taught in this video will also show you how to navigate your tablet too.
1. How to set up your online account
This quick tutorial shows you how to set up your online account on the Armilla Tech website and a quick navigation guide of the online portal for your electronic play calling system.
2. How to set up your command center
To set up your electronic play calling command center, you must connect to Wi-Fi and register your device with your account. A quick step-by-step walkthrough will have your electronic coaching aid up and running in no time
3. How to connect wristbands
Your tablet needs to securely communicate with your electronic wristbands. In order to do so, it needs to undergo a connection process. This video will walk you through how to set up your armilla system and how to your devices into pairing mode and connect them to your tablet.
4. How to create and add a roster and line up
Working on a computer is more efficient than typing on a tablet. This video teaches you how to create and update multiple teams, rosters, and line-ups for your games on your electronic play calling system.
5. How to use your library
This video shows you how to navigate through your play library for batting and fielding as well as how to add, remove and edit your messages/signals on your electronic coaching aid.
6. How to get ready for a game
This video helps you set up your armilla system for a game to ensure success while using your electronic signal calling system. This video will cover the basics of making sure your electronic wristbands are connected and ready to go! It will also show you how to prepare for big stadiums by scanning for busy frequencies and selecting a channel to use on your Armilla
7. How to play a game
A MUST SEE FOR ALL! You are finally ready to play a game with Armilla. This tutorial will teach you how to play a game, send messages, and record results on your electronic play calling system. You will also see the introductory steps on how to add/edit your results for reporting and stats.

Armilla Explained
A word from our CEO explaining Armilla Tech.