About Armilla Technology
What started as a dream one night, has become the game changer in the football, softball, and baseball world. It changes the way coaches call plays, saves time breaking down film, and keeps your information secure. No cellular, no Wi-Fi, no Bluetooth. All you need is a tablet and a wrist receiver and you have secure play calling right at your fingertips. Armilla Tech is an innovator on the forefront of play calling technology setting new expectations for industry standards. Bringing play-calling to the 21st century, Armilla Tech creates an affordable solution for coaches to increase sports participation for kids and promote involvement for all. Through player education and a higher level of player development, Armilla Tech provides the ability to take youth sports to a higher intelligence level.

Our Mission
Armilla’s mission is to create a fair and equal sports playing field. The innovative system streamlines the process of communication between the coach and players while creating an all-inclusive experience to involve more youth in sports through technology. By replacing the old with the new, Armilla helps the deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and provides an opportunity to compete at all levels.

Meet the Team

Lance Heron
Founder and CEO
Lance Heron grew up on Vancouver Island and was always actively involved in a variety of sports. As a teen he started playing competitive football until he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force. He is a military veteran and former law enforcement officer. Throughout his service he continued to play recreational football. In 2003, Lance was severely injured in an accident and developed a chronic pain condition which forced him into retirement. Not giving up his love for sports, Lance shifted his focus to coaching football players. Lance has coached at high school, college and professional levels in several countries. He has led teams to win championships and inspired many young athletes. In 2019, Lance woke up with the idea for the Armilla Communication Device in his head, and is very grateful to the Lord for His inspiration. Helping others brings immense joy and fulfilment to Lance’s life. Armilla combines his vision with a product that makes a profound global impact, changing lives.

Roseanne Jacobse
Director of Sales
Roseanne is a Mission, BC resident. She did her school education at Mission Secondary where she graduated with academic and athletic accolades. She has worked in restaurant management, sawmills and owned a landscaping company. At 16 she realized a passion for coaching and started with youth soccer. From there she moved onto track and varsity basketball. Her passions are family, sports, and equestrian sports. She came to Armilla for a change in careers. She has always been people orientated with extraordinary sales experience and a new focus for the future of sports.

Colleen Cole-Velasquez
Director of PR and Media
Colleen Cole-Velasquez is a successful Media and Marketing Professional with a plethora of Award achieving Projects. Her priceless Contacts and Networks have brought a wealth of value to her clients and Industry associations. Colleens expertise in National TV placement and success for dynamic Media Campaigns is a valued asset. Media Relations, Entertainment PR, Event organization, Media Conferences, Concert and Large Venue expertise has just been a cornerstone of her successful career. With a wealth of Emmy Award winning Projects, she has also represented Platinum and Grammy Music Artists, Superbowl Halftime Productions, famous TV and Movie Icons, just to name a few. In the Media Industry, she has earned a seat as a Governor on the NATAS Emmy’s Board of Governors since 2014.

Barry Moss
Chief Technology Advisor
Barry Moss grew up in British Columbia and has always had a fascination with electronics and computers. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science and a Masters of Engineering, both from Simon Fraser University. As a registered Professional Engineer he has over 30 years of experience in electronics design, with a particular focus on integrated circuit and field programmable gate array (FPGA) design. He has contributed to the design of and led design teams involved with many projects including wired and wireless data modems, communications ICs, high definition broadcast video encoders, 3D manufacturing measurement systems, and test systems for medical imaging equipment. He has 7 US patents granted from his work on those projects.

Victoria Jacobse
Sales and Administration

Fareeha Hayat
Computer Programmer

Board of Advisors

Adam Rita
World Renowned football coach in the High school, CFL, and European leagues

Juan Ranero

Rich Rodriguez
NCAA player and Coaching legend

Dean Dalton

Neal McCoy